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Course Learning Objectives/Outcomes

By the end of the course, the Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, Social Worker or Psychologist will be able to:
-Identify five steps a client may go through in the generation of false memories related to sexual abuse.
-Identify five ethical issues in client's false memories.
-Name four ethical considerations for repressed memories.
-Explain how sexually abused clients experience cognitive dissonance.
-Name three beliefs in self-help regarding repressed memories.
-Name four factors for therapist comfort.
-Name five steps in false accusations with repressed memories.
-Explain when Psychologists conduct a study involving deception.
-Name three functions cannot be performed by the counselor without proper training or supervision.
-Explain the story-truth.
-Explain what number where there is a parallel explosion, along with the explosion of reported memories of incidents of abuse.
-Explain the cause of increase in inaccuracy of the memories retrieved, researchers have noted that when the subject of the memory is highly charged or the subject more motivated to remember-to identify a suspect of a crime, for instance.
-Name the three stages of treatment outlined in the consensus model of post-trauma treatment.
-Explain why should sexual abuse not be assumed or suggested as the only possible explanation of a client's post-trauma symptoms.
-Explain the fact that counselors should be aware, when considering false memories.
-Name one of the main reasons children do not disclose abuse immediately.

"The instructional level of this course is introductory, intermediate, or advanced depending on the learners clinical area of expertise."